Wednesday, May 25, 2005

packed schedule

Yesterday was my Mom's birthday. Before I realized that, I had a full day planned of errands, etc. to get ready for a (sort of) camping trip. My sister Wendy called and reminded me that it was Mom's birthday in the morning, and then invited me to go to lunch with everyone to celebrate. Lately, when someone has a birthday, we've all been going to lunch together to celebrate, so we shouldn't leave Mom out! When I say all of us, I mean all of us. Most of my Sisters and Sister in laws are stay at home mom's and a few of my sisters who work, are usually able to get away for lunch. So potentially for lunch, we could have a crowd of 18 women and children, if everyone were to show. Yesterday only 10 could make it. We had a fun time. Its great to have a bit of a "hen's party" as Mom used to call it when we were younger and all the women got together.

So today, Hubby and I will be going up to a church camp that our ward has rented for the ward campout. This church camp told the ward though, that for their $$ they have the camp from Wednesday until Sunday. So the ward said, hey if you want to go up early, go ahead. So we are! It should be really fun to. I'm pretty sure that we will be the only ones up there today. Their will be an elderly couple coming up tomorrow, and the rest of the ward will be their Friday night. We will have a huge church camp to ourselves! This is the same camp where I went to girls camp. So I will be able to explore like I was never able to back then! All those places I wasn't allowed to go! It should be fun. I haven't been up for about 5-8 years though, and my sister who was up their as a leader 2 years ago said that they have made lots of improvements. So new places to explore. yay! It won't be real camping though. I suppose I should be thankful of that - with 2 small kids. They have a huge lodge (basically a huge gym with a stage and everything. It has a nice big kitchen and if they haven't changed things to much, separate mens and womens bathrooms with showers! My sister said they had remodeled the showers, but she couldn't remember if they were still seperated into mens and womens bathrooms and showers. That would be a little scary to bump into another ward member in the shower. I'm sure most won't take one when just going overnight. But I would be a little disturbed to run into someone from the ward in the shower, much less a member of opposite sex! They do have curtains and everything. But still! I'm sure they're seperate. They have to be! If not, I might have to enlist hubby to guard! :)

We'll get back on Saturday and that night I need to go to a baptism for a new member of our primary.

Then on Monday it's over to Mom and Dad's for a Memorial day breakfast with the family and an "Exchange". This is what Mom and Dad have named it at least. Basically we are all supposed to bring stuff we don't need/want that we think others might need/want and exchange stuff. I'm interested to see what will happen. I'm not bringing much just because we're supposed to participate in the neighborhood garage sale in about a month, and I don't have much to begin with. I'm the chairman of that comittee so I HAVE to have a garage sale. :), amd Dad said I could take the leftovers from the giveaway.

They're basically having it because my sister and her husband are moving into their basement. Dad's taking the opportunity to give away tools and stuff out of the garage, and Mom's cleaning house and giving away old books and movies. Things they dont' really need anymore.

My sister who is moving in is about 24 weeks pregnant. She's the skinny mini of the family. She's not gaining a bunch of weight, but she is constantly hungry. My single sister L said that was what bothered her about them moving in with the parents. Now when she went over to visit, my sister usually has eaten everything in sight, and that would bug her, she said. I think it's funny. I kind of thought that she might be exaggerating a bit, but when the pregnant sister came over last night, the first thing she said was "do you guys have anything to eat?" It was so funny. I don't ever remember being hungry while pregnant. But I don't have a very good memory, and I'm fat, so I guess if the baby was hungry she went after my stored fat (YAY!) .

I only gained 29 lbs with C. The last 9 pounds was in 1 week, so easily explained as water weight gain. And just over 10 pounds with A. Now, lest you get on me about not gaining enough weight when pregnant, My doctor approved. He said that as long as I wasn't losing weight it was ok if I gained very little. I should explain that I'm fat. We'll leave it there. I need to lose weight. I really dont want to get pregnant again until I've lost some weight. I really need to get on the ball if I want to be healthy as I get older, and if I want more kids. Which I'm pretty sure I do - eventually.

Well anyway, the Friday after Memorial day, hubby is going down to Salt Lake to attend a Real Salt Lake soccer game with his brother. They usually go to some game or another about once a year. It doesn't bother me. I encourage it. Hubby brings home the bacon, and he works hard. We all need rewards to keep us going at work, and other stuff we don't like to do. Just as long as he lets me come to a BYU game with him occasionally. :) We went to the BYU BSU game when I was 37 weeks pregnant with A. It was great. We had ok seats, and I was able to exchange them for seats closer to the ground by explaining my condition :) Also, the walk clear across campus took me from a 0 to a 1 dilation. So I was pretty happy about that! It just about killed us though when that guy missed the kick (fieldgoal? don't remember) The new seats put us in the BSU season ticket holders section. There were 2 other guys rooting for BYU about 4 rows down from us. It was an interesting situation.

So we have an adventurous few weeks planned. Its going to be fun!

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