Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Another Wednesday

Lets see, Nothing to exciting happening in my life right now...

My little sister L is now living in her own house about 5 minutes down the road from me. She has a job where she doesn't know if she has to work until the afternoon/evening before. She's a court reporter. She does depositions and stuff. Anyway, we went to lunch on Tuesday and it was a bunch of fun. My sister S is also now working about 10 minutes away from my house. So she came to lunch with us also. She also likes to come to my house about once a week for lunch. Sometimes I feed her a sandwich, and other times she brings her own lunch.

Anyway, it really is great because it breaks up the day for me. Also, it motivates me to clean areas of my house. Like, today she came over for lunch and so I deep cleaned my kitchen! Yay! Tomorrow, my goal is to pick up the rest of the house and maybe do some laundry.

I really need to make a schedule for my day. I do well when I have goals.
Maybe this?
6:30 - wake up, work out, shower
8:00 - get the girls up. Feed C a banana (her favorite breakfast food)
8:00 - 9:00 let Cecilee watch the Wiggles or Maisy (basically one of her shows)
9:00 - 11:30 clean the house, play with playdo, do puzzles, read books, do stuff with the kids.
11:30 - Sesame Street
12:30 - A's nap time, feed C lunch.
1:00 - C's nap time
1:00 - 3:30 or so - Clean house, do laundry, watch tv, whatever I want
3:30 - this is where I get lazy. I usually just let C play while I watch the West Wing or some other stupid show. Maybe once she stops trying to dig up the garden I can eventually let her play outside during this time.
4:30 - 5:30 make dinner - A usually cries through the last half hour. I hate that.
5:45 - eat dinner.

So my chores during the week are Laundry, kitchen, Front Room, Family room, bathrooms,

I would also like time to do primary stuff, and crochet, also play games and read cougarboard.

I also need to set aside a day for errands... but maybe I could do those on Mondays when hubby is home.

So everyday I should clean the kitchen. Tuesdays I could do the laundry. Wednesdays Frontroom, Thursdays Family room, and Friday Bathrooms.

So my ideal schedule would be:
6:30 - wake up, work out, shower
8:00 - get the girls up. Feed C a banana (her favorite breakfast food)
8:00 - 9:00 let Cecilee watch the Wiggles or Maisy (basically one of her shows)
9:00 - 11:30 clean the kitchen, play with playdo, do puzzles, read books, do stuff with the kids.
11:30 - Sesame Street
12:30 - A's nap time, feed C lunch.
1:00 - C's nap time
1:00 - 3:30 or so - Clean the area for that day, read cougarboard, crochet, play games, IM with hubby
3:30 - Not sure what to do with this time. Play outside?
4:30 - 5:30 make dinner - I can't wait until A starts crawling so that she can amuse herself during the last half hour that she gets cranky.
5:45 - eat dinner.

Well anyway, thanks for letting me think out loud.

A has a cold that is scaring me a little. She has had a runny nose with green snot for the last 2 days. A little cough, but nothing extreme, or different from a basic cold that she's had before. But today when I got her up from her nap, I could here the congestion in her chest. She was actually breathing a little differently.

So, I'm thinking about taking her to the doctor this week. But I keep thinking about all the times I've gotten the "you're stupid" looks from the doctor when I brought C in when she'd had a fever over 100 degrees for 3 days. (hello!!!) I think I'll just watch her and if she starts having any sort of problems breathing (not just heavy conjestion) I'll start calling ask a nurse and make an appointment with the doctor.

Right now we've got the humidifier going in her room and hopefully that will break things up.

I'm coming down with the same cold. I've been sucking on those awful orange vitamin C's all night because my mom has always sworn by Vitamin C for colds. She also keeps telling me that if I take them, it will get to A through my breast milk. Well, it should at least boost our immune systems.

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