Wednesday, May 04, 2005

What a week

So on Sunday I got called into the Primary presidency. I'm not sure why. About a month ago they called me to be the Valiant 9 teacher. That was the first time I had been in primary since I was 12 and graduated from Primary.

Things seem very different from when I was in primary. First off, I remember it being more structured.

My biggest gripe is that as we have practiced the songs for the Mothers day program, I realized that they changed the way one of the songs was sung. Hubby was trying to convince me that it made it easier to sing. Then I pointed out to him that we didn't have a problem singing it when I was a kid. Just weird.

So I have my first presidency meeting today. It was so weird on Sunday. I don't really know the new president that well. I have only talked to her twice, and one of those occasions was to schedule a visiting teaching appointment. The other time, it was a pretty basic Hi how are you conversation.

So on Sunday it was like I didn't know where to look. And at out Visiting teaching appointment, We sort of talked about it. I guess I really don't know how I feel about it yet. I really don't know what I'm in for. If I'll enjoy it or not. So I don't know what to say yet.

So am I the only person who feels like they are a teenager in the world of adults?

Here I have 2 kids, am married, and doing all the adult things that adults do, and I still feel like I'm a kid. Its weird. I guess I thought being an adult would feel different somehow.

Well my fondue pots should come soon. I bought some off of e-bay on Friday, but haven't been able to get a response from the seller. I'm a little worried. The seller had some negative feedback, but most seemed to be regarding communication or lack thereof.

I can't wait!

My sister L moved into her house on Monday. She lives about 5 minutes from me now. I'm looking forward to a family member living so close. Most of them live about 30 minutes away.

I've been eating to many whoppers today.

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