Monday, May 16, 2005

What a weekend

Wel, all four of us are sick, and the computer needs a new power supply. So here I am typing along on hubbies laptop. This post will be short due to the fact that I'm not used to this keyboard.

We stayed home from church yesterday because we all have bad colds.... well most of us. I'm nearly over it, A is towards the end of it, hubby is just starting it, and C, well, C has just had a high fever for the past few days. Today though it looks like the fever is gone. I just wish I knew if she was going to get the cold?

A got this cold in the nursery last week while hubby was subbing. He let her sit on the floor and said that a couple of the kids kept giving her hugs. Totally fine with me, I just wish someone had kept their sick kid home.

I'm going to suggest that we get a "no bugs allowed" sign for the nursery door for those parents who are to stupid to realize that the rest of us don't want the cold their kid has.

Well, already I'm tired of this keyboard, and a is crying.

So long

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