Friday, May 06, 2005


So I was just reading over what I last wrote and realized that I sounded sort of negative about being in the primary presidency.

To clarify, my only gripe is how they have changed some of the song tunes from when I sang them as a kid.

I know that there is some reason for my being called into the presidency. I'm slowly figuring out that I'm happy I was called. It sounds like it will be some work, but a lot of fun.

So today is Ae and Ar's birthday. We are all taking them out to lunch. Mom, S, W, L, and my sister J. Some chinese restaurant we've never been to. Two of my sisters work over here and I and my sister L live over here, so its more for convenience that we go to this particular restaurant than anything.

So I've been watching this stupid movie on IFC yesterday and today. Its called the Happy times Hotel. I haven't seen the first 30 minutes, but caught the middle 40 minutes or so, but then had to leave. So I found it on again this am, so plan on catching the last 30 minutes or so.

Its a sad story. A girl who is around 18 is blind. When she was young, her mother died, and after that she developed a brain tumor and lost her sight. Her father married a woman, but they fought so much that he left and I assume got divorced. He left his daughter with the woman and she treated the daughter like crap, while treating her own son like a prince. Its a sad story and I feel for this girl because being blind, she can't do the things she wants, and can easily be taken advantage of (people doing things, taking things, tiptoeing around her, counting on her not knowing they are there). That would freak me out!


Went to a primary training meeting last night. It started at 7:00 and when I dropped C off at my sisters house I told her I'd be back by 8:45, 9 at the lastest. When I got to the training, they said, We'll separate for classes and then break at 8:45 for chips and salsa. Ugh. That is late. I also had A, whose bedtime is 8:30. I could tell this would be a long night. All in all it was enjoyable and we got a lot of good info and ideas. But A had had it by the time we left. When I got to the door on my way out I discovered rain was coming down in sheets. I had parked clear across the parking lot, so pulled a blanket over A and walked briskly to the car. By the time I got us all in the car and situated I was pretty wet. I think A stayed pretty dry because of the blanket though.

So I get out on the roads and because of the rain, and it was also dark, I found it hard to see. The rain was pretty deep on the road also. so I felt a little out of control. I hate driving in snow and ice, and this experience was a bit like that. I got out onto the interstate to go home (our stake center is in the middle of no where) There was a ton of standing water on the freeway. I was going about 45 mph, and there was not a lot of traffic (I was passed by one car) but because of the slow going I was afraid that someone would come up behind me going really fast and I would cause an accident. I also felt the car hydroplaning a bit. So I got off at the first exit for the next town over from where I live. I drove through that town, and got over to L's house to pick up C. It was 9:25. Way later than I ever could have guessed. Anyway we were all pooped by the time we got home. I put the kids to bed, and once hubby got home from class, went to bed.

What I don't understand, is why after a late night, the kids didn't wake up later. A woke up about an hour earlier than normal, and C woke up about 45 min later than normal. I was able to get A back to sleep, but that only lasted for 30 min or so.

Oh well. I guess we just need to get to sleep at our normal time tonight.

Well, enough complaining for today.

Life is great. The kids are great. I have many blessings, one of which was finally getting home last night!

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