Friday, February 29, 2008

Google Reader

Oh how I love thee, let me count the ways!

So my sister told me about Google reader yesterday. Now instead of clicking on a bunch of different links to check on different blogs, all I have to do is log in!

I'm really excited now because there were blogs that I just stopped checking because the person would update every month or so. I got tired of checking. Now I can check all the blogs at one time. I love it!

With all the spring weather I'm thinking about shearing sheep (April - May) and planting the garden. Also taking the scouts fishing before they all start turning 9 in April.

The sheep shearing should be quite fun. I'm also thinking about keeping my ear to the ground for a black merino sheep. It might be fun to work with dark fiber. If I was able to find a bottle baby then even better. Cheaper anyway.

Here are my latest projects.

Church bags for C and A. What do you think?





I think its about time. They are 3 and 5 and don't need a diaper bag anymore. I was thinking that C was old enough to carry around a Book of Mormon and A could put 2 toys in her bag for Sacrament meeting. I would then confiscate the bag. I am pretty sure that if I let her take it to her class I would play find the bag after church every Sunday.

Here is my bag. It felted differently than I expected it to. I'm also not done with it and am facing a few decisions about it.


First does it need a thin board in the bottom to help it keep its boxy shape.

Second I was thinking I might want to put a few pockets in the bag. These would be crocheted and then felted and then sewn into the bag.

Do I want a liner. If I put a thin board in the bottom, then I would want a liner so I could line the board. I could still put pockets in it but I don't think the lining fabric could support much weight. So they would be small pockets. I don't know how helpful those would be.

Anyway, things to think about for me.

Does anyone think it needs more flowers?

So I went into the other room and saw a chair pushed over to the cupboard. A decided to help herself to some dum dum suckers that we bought yesterday for a treat. I went into their room and their were C and A eating suckers. C says "A got the suckers". I then gave her a lecture about how she could have come and told me rather than sharing in the bounty. I confiscated all of the suckers and told them that they were stuck in their room for punishment.

I guess it could have been worse. They could have found more crayons and gone to town on their walls again. Have I mentioned that Magic Erasers are my friend?


Alyson said...

Cute bags! You could sell those. I don't think yours needs any more flowers. It's cute. Why don't you use a strong piece of cardboard to give the bag shape at the bottom. That's what store bought bags have any way.

Me again said...

I agree with you on the flowers a I think more about it.

I asked Milton and he was like you could put another flower here and one here and another here.

I couldn't quite explain to him that there was a fine line between old lady bag and stylish bag.

I'm afraid that since the bag is a bit heavier than most bags made out of fabric that the cardboard might not cut it. But I could try it for a while. I don't have to line it right this minute.

Besides if I do that, I can use it on Sunday!