Friday, February 22, 2008

I'm strange

I can deal with that. :)

Am I the only one who will have my blog in the background when I'm surfing the net because I like the music so much?

Today its snowing. We've just had the most wonderful days of warm weather. Its been in the 40's and even a day in the 50's I think. Anyway, it was so nice! My hubby said something about precipitation this morning. That means rain right? Wrong. I guess it means snow :( . But I just called him and he said that the roads were clear and its actually about 32 degrees out there. So hopefully it will be pretty for a while and then melt. But you know, it sure is pretty. Its coming down thick and fast and covering everything. The sheep are all standing around in it like it doesn't bother them. I remember going out there after one bad snow storm and they all had like 4-6 inches undisturbed on their coats. I tried to brush it off and they didn't like that.

C continues to be a great reader. She and I went over the words 'cannot' and 'she'. Her teacher explains it using marriage. The 2 letters s and h get married and make a new word. So I told C that 2 words can get married also and make a new word. She is reading so well! I love this preschool! I have A signed up for next year and just found out that the teacher is already taking names for the year after. So I put A in there for that year also. So 2 years of preschool. The teacher is so awesome! And truthfully A has been so envious of C being able to go to preschool. So I couldn't put it off a year if I wanted to.

This last week we had 2 days where we got 4 eggs. That black silkie looks like she may be getting regular. The last time I wrote about her she had started giving an egg every other day. Then she stopped for about a week and a half. Well she's back on that again. I think it may stick now. I've read that chickens take a month or 2 to become regular.

We're probably going to buy 1-2 more chickens or chicks this spring. We have just enough eggs for us but one of the chickens eggs are really super sized meaning that she is on the older end of the laying 2 years. So we just want to have another chicken in the chute and ready to take over.

I've been very blessed the past month. My local wool shop where I bought my spinning wheel called me a few times with free wool. Some had gotten wet in their barn and some was too short and some was yearling wool. Then they called me again after learning that I'm going through an obsession with bag making and felting and offered me some wool that was to coarse to sell to spinners or wear next to your skin. But perfect for bags. I have washed and stored the first group, but haven't gone through the more coarse stuff to see if I can use it. I'm sure I'll be able to. I'm so happy and excited that they thought of me when they came across that.

Mom and Dad got all the paperwork submitted on Wednesday for their mission. So they will have a call in the next 1-3 weeks. I'm super excited about it. I'm trying not to be nervous about taking care of the fruit trees and yard etc (acre and a half ) until my sister gets here. I'm sure we'll manage. Besides, I do have family in town who we could call for an emergency yard care session.

So yesterday I had a fire going all day. When it got up to 69 I closed the draft most of the way, but didn't want it to go out and have to restart it in the evening to keep us warm all night. So I kept adding wood. Anyway, I didn't keep it in check very well. It was around 75 in the hallway when I finally went to bed around midnight. Whoops! I loved it. Hubby hated it. Oh well. I love our wood stove. We have had the heat pump on a total of 1 time this year.

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