Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Spring is here!

Yesterday I thoughtI should check on our snow crocuses. Well guess what? Their up! About 5 are blossoming and about 15 or so are up and we're still waiting on the rest of the group to show up.


Here is a pic of Callie. She is the one sheep who day after day gets her head stuck in the fence.

What is funny is that you'll see her stuck and so you'll head out to help her out.


She can get herself out. The other day I thought, I'm going to pet her and get her used to me a little more. By the time I get out there she is standing up and trying to pull her head out. I pet her once and then she was out. Stupid sheep.

Here is a pic of the mob.


Except someone is missing...the last scaredy sheep.

Here is a pic of our chickens.


We're going to get 2-3 more chickens from a person who advertised on Craigslist. At $3 each its a great price. And their in the same town as us! Yay!

Here's a bonus pic of Callie and the freckles on her nose.



Mary said...

I have to say I'm quite jealous of your sign of spring. We still have several feet of snow! Aren't animals funny sometimes? I once had a little lamb (Mary had a little lamb, yes, I know. I got that a LOT. Mine was as black as coal, however.) and he was the sweetest little thing. He followed me around everywhere I went, probably because I bottle fed him from the time he was born. Then one day he disappeared... imagine the horror of a little girl to find out what her daddy REALLY had sheep for... Oh the painful memories!!!

Alyson said...

That is a funny story!

Hey sorry again about everything. I deleted your link from my blog...not that it would work anyway, but I won't put it back up. I just bookmarked it this time.