Friday, January 28, 2005

Another Friday

So hubby talked me into cable internet today. He is convinced he needs it for school. Well, he doesn't exactly need it right now, but will need it next year when he starts taking classes where he will need to create web sites and writing programs.
So I guess its ok. If we get strapped for cash, we can always cancel the service until we actually have to have it.

We're still talking about changing dish network for directv. I'm still waffleing about if we really want to switch over just to save $1. And for 10 more channells. Including the WB... Gilmore girls... :) maybe . I'm holding out for a free dvr :)

Well I took C to story time at the library yesterday. It was a lot of fun. They had singing, stories, and playtime. C had a great time and I think I'll have to make it a weekly thing. We went to the DI for books afterwards. I haven't read a new book in a long time, so thought it was about time for some reading material. :) Afterwards we went to Wendy's for lunch since I had forgotten to eat breakfast. Those new side Salads are a great idea! The hamburgers are still fattening, but at least you're not adding the fat grams of the fries to that also!

Today was a great day also. I got to bed early, so wasn't thrown to far off schedule when A woke up twice last night. I was able to get up with my alarm clock. I gave C and A baths as soon as A got up. A is kicking a lot in the bathtub now. I don't know if she is actually kicking for the water fun, or because she just likes to kick. I guess it doesn't matter :) Its just fun to see her kicking so much. I love that she is so healthy and normal. Some people think she is delicate or something because she was 5 pounds 3 ounces when she was born. But she is normal and gaining weight at a normal rate, and developing normally. She rolled over a couple times earlier this week. She's almost 4 months old now! I can't believe it. She's getting so big!

So with the girls taking naps earlier, I want to start working out on our treadmill during their naps. My only worry is that C won't take a nap at all without me to keep putting her back in bed. I guess I'll just have to work out when I can during that time. I need to though. I have come to the conclusion this week that my life is to seditary. I need to get up and get moving!!!

My goal : work out 3-5 times a week. I will be happy if I can only work out 3 times, and if I work out 5 times, I will be extremely happy!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


This week is going fast!

Yesterday I decided that I was going to try and change A and C's schedule. Currently C takes a nap at 2 and goes to bed at 9:30. This was a little late, so I've decided to change it to waking up at 8, taking a nap at 1 and going to bed right at 9. I'm thinking about changing bedtime to 8:30, but we'll see how it all shakes out.

Hubby and I have an ongoing discussion about Dish Network vrs. DirecTV, and also the option of having neither. We currently have Dish Network and have had it for 2 1/2 years. We recently got a letter in the mail stating that our monthly charge would be going up by $3. Over a year that would be $36. Hubby's sister works for DirecTV and they have a great friends and family program that would allow us to sign up without having to sign a contract. They also have 10 more channels for the same price that we are paying now. Also, though they are also having to up their monthly price, it will only be going up by $2. One negative is that they don't have an america's top 60 like Dish network. So we would be trapped at the higher price. One reason I was leaning towards DirecTV was that they were offering a free DVR for friends and family, but I just learned that the offer ended at the end of last year.

We've discussed getting rid of the sattelite alltogether, but I don't know. There are a few shows that I really look forward to. Gilmore Girls (my #1 guilty pleasure), Project runway (way to much swearing), McClouds daughters, and recently reruns of the west wing (I never watched it when it was on network tv). Also, when I get up with A during the night, I need something interesting to keep me awake so I don't fall asleep while feeding her. The recliner I feed her in is comfortable to feed her in, but not to sleep. I have a bad back, and would rather sleep in a bed :)

But if we got rid of the satellite, we could easily afford cell phones or super quick internet access. Hubby has been begging for a faster connection for a few years now, but there is no reason for it. He has access at work and only gets online at home for an hour or two on the weekends. I'm the one who uses it mostly at home, and I don't mind. He has a super quick connection at work though, and I think that's why he notices it.

So today I'm going to tell you all about my sister W. She's the 3rd child. She was my favorite sister growing up. She and I look very much alike also. When we moved to Idaho from oregon, she met and married her husband within a year. W has a very calm and relaxed personality. She is fun to talk to and you never feel like you are being judged. (unlike S). She and her family have lived in several cities in Idaho and Oregon. Her husband went to school and majored in music. He got a degree that would allow him to teach music in the schools, but wasn't able to find a job here. He ended up going to an obscure town about 1 1/2 hours away. W taught piano. He ended up quitting the job (don't remember why) and they moved back here. He ended up working for a couple of different jobs until he settled into his current job. He just finished up another degree (don't actually know what in) through the University of Utah online (I think). I'm glad that this will allow them to be more financially stable.

They have 3 boys and a girl. Very nice kids. I'd go into names, but since I'm just using first initials, all the letters would get hard to keep straight!! The oldest is 13, and starting into the teenage years! All these older nieces and nephews are making me feel old. It's hard to believe that my oldest brother has a 14 year old and in just 4 years she will be going to college, and who knows, she may marry early. Whoa!

OK, C just started this really cute thing I have to mention. She now comes up to me with her arms open and says "hug hug hug!". She asks me for hugs!! I have always had to ask her for hugs! I love this !! She also hugs A a lot without me suggesting or asking her to. It is really sweet.

I feel really bad about last night with C. I put her to bed at 9 on her new schedule. I wasn't worried about her falling asleep though because I couldn't get her to take a nap earlier. So I put her in bed and we went through our routine. Lately she's learned how to open doors, so I put a gate across her door so that if she opens it, she can't come out. (I learned that lesson quickly :) ) So last night after a while (don't remember how long) I heard her crying and she ended up standing in her open doorway with tears just rolling down her cheeks. Now I thought she was just throwing a fit because she didn't want to go to bed. Lately she's learned how to put off going to bed (drink of water!), and I've been watching SuperNanny. So I took her back to her bed and got down and her level and said in a low strong voice "This behavior is unacceptable" She stopped crying and I talked to her about how she knows how to fall asleep and how it wasn't a big deal. I tucked her in again and gave her another drink of water. As I was leaving though, I noticed that her night light was not in the outlet. I realized then why she was freaking out. I put it back in and said goodnight and shut the door and didn't hear another peep. I felt bad though. I disciplined her (though not in a way that was really awful, like putting her on the naughly stool or something) when she didn't need it. C is a really really sweet child and I still feel bad. Next time I'm going to be really sure before I discipline her.

Before we got her the night light, C went through a phase where we would tuck her into bed and then go into the other room. I would hear her get up and after a few minutes I would go and check on her. I would find her behind the door with her stuffed animals and usually a blanket or pillow or both. I thought she might be afraid of the dark, and be sitting by the door because of the light. After we got her the night light that problem stopped totally. She still likes to get up and play with her toys in her room from time to time. I don't mind that though. It doesn't last a long time (hard to play in the dark :) ) and she does go to bed in a reasonable amount of time.

Well, A has started to whine in her swing, so I've got to stop.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Another day

I hate having to come up with a title every time.

So I just got back from scouts. Let me whine for a sec. The other leader didn't show up and I had to deal with 6 boys alone. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal but it was like they all had ants in their pants!! OK Done.

I love monday's. hubby has Monday's off and we get to go out to lunch and basically spend the day together. Lots of fun!

I downloaded PAF from the church website last night ( It was great. We had a lot of fun putting info we already had into the program through a gedcom file. Then we added ourselves and other family that hadn't been around when hubby created the original file 5 years ago. We are taking the family history course during sunday school on sunday's. Its very interesting. I hadn't thought about it before, but Hubby's mom is a convert and her father died last year. Her line has not had any work done on it (whereas I have an aunt that is constants working on and updating mine). It would be great for his mom to do the work for her parents and even for her to be sealed to her parents (her siblings aren't members, so they would have to wait for either death, or conversion and a valid temple recommend).

Well I have a couple of cute pictures of C and A but I still have to figure out how to post them... maybe in a few days

Friday, January 21, 2005


Thank goodness it's friday. Thats all I can say :) Its been a full week!

I got about 4 hours of sleep last night because A didn't sleep well for some unknown reason. She has developed a cough along with her runny nose and congestion. I think that was what kept waking her up. Anyway, not only was she up, but she was up for more than her normal 1/2 hour. Needless to say I'm a bit tired. but I think I'm functioning pretty well.

Hubby and I had a big fight this morning. I don't want to write about it though, because I'm still a little angry and don't want to say (especially on paper) anything I may regret later.

My younger sister L and I have been talking on the phone a lot lately. She lives about 3 hours away from where I do. She is single and will be 26 in April. She was a little worried about the fact that she is still single. I don't know what to tell her. She is such a great person with a wonderful personality. She is also very cute.

L attended Court Reporting school right after high school and graduated top in her class. They still talk about her because she had such awesome typing speeds. She worked as a court reporter for a year or two, and when she turned 21 she went on a mission to San Diego. After that she went back to court reporting and started taking more classes at the local university. She wants to be a writer. She has such a fun personality and it shines when she writes stories. I don't know what type of books she wants to write (she is still trying to figure out which will work best for her) but my vote is anything in the LDS genre so that I can buy her books at Deseret Book and say "My sister wrote this"

Here is an example of what she can do.

For Christmas, I had everyone send me recipe's and I organized them into a cook book. My Dad suggested that everyone also send food memories to be included around the recipes. This sounded fun, but like it could be a little dry. So I decided to turn these memories into fairy stories (once upon a time...) Well I wasn't doing very well with them, so I asked L to help. In the end she changed or wrote most of the stories.

Here's what we would get " I do remember this one
time when I made spaghetti and this guy I
liked was over. His name was Scott. I was about 12
or 13 at the time. was the worst
spaghetti ever. It was way too salty and peppery. I
thought our romance was over for sure."

This story was from my sister S

Here is what the story turned into ( I might have helped, I don't remember)
"Once upon a time there was a romantic prince named Scott... And a lovely young maiden called S. In the frolicking French countryside the two met to eat Italian cuisine, because S didn’t know how to make French cuisine. S had high hopes of winning the prince which her magnificent cooking skills. But alas, the spaghetti she made was too salty, and for some reason the handsome prince kept sneezing every time he tried to take a bite. So the two decided not to get married after all and Scott went home for dinner. The end."

Of course there are more and even better examples of her talent (which I wish I had), but A just woke up and Its hard to type and hold her at the same time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

what a day!

Well, A's fever broke around midnight last night. Then the conjestion started. At one point I was desperate to find a bulb syringe (sp?) because she had so much she was choking on it. I finally found one after searching the house for a long time. I tried to sleep in our recliner with her cuddled to my chest. Although I have done this with C many many times (that's how we got through many nights) for some reason I couldn't get to sleep. I finally got A to a point where I felt comfortable letting her sleep in her crib (after many suctionings ) and got into bed around 2 am. She woke up around 4, and I was so out of it that It took me a while to figure out that it wasn't a dream of some sort. I got her back to bed. She woke up again around 7:30 and this time C woke up also. It was really cute. I sat down to feed A and C, who has recently discovered how to open her bedroom door, knocked on her bedroom door and came out. I told her that it wasn't time to get up yet and that she needed to go back to bed. To my delight, she did. She normally gets up around 8:45 - 9:00 (we put her to bed later in the evening. It's a schedule that works for me) She came out once more and I told her again. Then I sort of dozed with A in the recliner. I heard C come out 1 or 2 times more, but was half asleep and really didn't move. I remember her going back into her room and shutting the door. She is such a cute kid! I love her so much.

Well, this morning, after all the dozing I felt like I got enough sleep. We got up, changed the kids diapers and went out to do the shopping. Only thing is that I had a prescription refilled and I forgot to pick it up. I'm such a dork. So I'll go again - probably tomorrow. I need to pick up some more vitamin C anyway. My Mom swears that if I take it, it will help A get over her cold faster. I had been taking it earlier in the winter, but about a month ago I ran out and hadn't purchased any more. A hasn't had a cold for a while, so maybe Mom is right.

Well, My sisters W and J invited me to a Mary Kay party on Thursday. I'll probably go just because it will be mostly family and I love to see everyone. There are 7 girls and 3 boys in my family and all but 2 siblings live here. They said that most everyone (or their wives) said they will be there. I'll probably take A and leave C at home. I hate these parties, because I always feel like I have to buy something. but I think I can hold off. There have been a ton of people having parties in my ward lately. They all invite me. I just politely ignore them. I'm sort of lucky in that way because I don't know anyone well enough to have to go to them. I think hubby is glad I don't go because then we don't have to worry about me finding additional ways to spend money.

So yesterday for FHE hubby and I decided to tackly the years supply issue. We decided that it was about time that we follow the prophets council. We've been doing some dry pack canning with the ward every month. I think we have about a 3 months supply with that, but I felt that we needed to attack the sundries. Like Toilet paper and laundry soap. So we made a list of all the non food items we need. Clothes weren't included. Just stuff for the house. Diapers, toilet paper, shampoo, stuff like that. We made a list and estimated how much we would need for a year (might as well get the whole year done, rather than just starting with the 3 month) We figured that we could spend an additional $10 a week on our grocery bill. so we worked it out and we think that we can have a year supply of all those items by June. At that point we will refigure everything and begin to go over what supplies we will need in the food department for a year supply. We will continue to stock up monthly when the ward has use of the dry packer. I feel really good about this plan. I'm excited because we had decided a while ago that we could spare the $10 and we should buy supplies every week, but we never had a game plan and that quickly died. I really want this to work!

Well I better get to bed in case A decides to have another hard night.

Monday, January 17, 2005


It's after 11, but I didn't want to go to bed without writing.

Today has been interesting. M started a fever last night. Her first. Fevers always make me nervous. Mostly because I never know when just a fever gets to the make a trip to the doctor point. I've taken C to the doctor after she ran a fever for over 3 days and I got squat. They made me feel stupid about it. Even when it turned out C had hand foot and mouth disease (not to be confused with hoof and mouth :) they made me feel stupid. I know they are busy and all, but I paid good money to see a doctor and the least they could do is make me feel like I'm getting my $$'s worth. I'm seriously thinking about changing pediatricians. My problem is that C was in a rotovirus vaccine study. I don't want to change doctors until a) I can research and choose my next doctor carefully, and b) I find out whether she got the vaccine or the placebo. If she got the vaccine, I will probably end up staying with this doctor because he is familiar with it. It has a few possible side effects that are rarely seen, but he would be most likely to see it because of he familiarity with it.

Anyway, speaking of doctors, I need to see mine about this wierd lump on my foot. Also I want to go and see the chiropractor again because it seems like my back isn't getting better. It's basically staying the same. Not horrible, but not that comfortable either. I thought church would be awful yesterday, but strangely enough my back seemed to be fine in those hard chairs, and even seemed to do better in them. Go figure.

Well, I was thinking about my brother K who I wrote about a few days ago and something occured to me that I've thought about before. When I was in junior high, during the summertime, we drove to Utah for a cousin's wedding. My brother K and his wife were attending BYU at the time. At the reception, K and his wife took my sister L and Ae home with them as a treat. They would spend the night and travel home with K and K to Idaho the next day. I remember being really jealous that I couldn't go.

Well the next day when we got home, K and K weren't there yet. No big deal. K wasn't well known for his punctuality. We knew they wouldn't be to late though because All of us kids were supposed to go to a local water park that afternoon. Well we finally got to the point where we couldn't wait any longer and we were all loaded into the car, and my sister S was going to drive. I don't remember if S was still inside when we got the call, or if Mom came running out to the car, but either way we received a phone call telling us that K and K had been in an accident and Mom and Dad should come. The hospital was in a town about 45 min away. Mom and Dad got directions to the hospital and were shortly on their way.

The truck had rolled because my sister in law had fallen asleep. L and Ae had been thrown out of the truck. It was one of those small trucks with small seats behind the front seat and I don't think there were seat belts, or if there were, they couldn't find them or something. L had a lot of trauma to her face, and Ae had injuries that could have easily killed her. I remember one of them telling me later about a passing motorist who had stopped to help. They sang primary songs with them. Also I remember one of them telling me about how in the ambulance the attendant or whatever you call the ambulance guy (first responder? don't know why I can't think of the name) kept waking them up. K and K both had minor injuries and minor concussions. They had their seatbelts on and I think one or both of them might have had bruises from their seatbelts (the car ended up upside down)

When dad got their he was with L and the doctor was looking at her gums. Her teeth had gone through her lower lip ( I think , its been awhile so pardon the memory lapses) and 2-3 teeth were missing. My dad said that they thought the teeth were gone until he noticed a few white things shoved far up into her gums. Turned out to be the teeth. I don't know what was going on with Alysa at this time. But I know her injuries were serious. They both made it, but are still receiving and dealing with insurance settlements to this day.

My whole point in bringing this up is this. I think that K (sister in law) might have been feeling guilty about this whole thing, and that could be why she and my brother have always lived anywhere but here. It's something that occured to me a few years ago. I remember Mom having to deal with the insurance companies about a settlement (my uncle, mom's twin, is an insurance guy and helped her make sure Ae and L got what was fair) and her commenting about it in a conversation with K (sister in law) This was many years past the accident ( if I remember they couldn't settle until Ae and L were a certain age), and I don't think mom really thought about it. But for some reason it struck me that K (sister in law) must feel really guilty. I know I would.

Sunday, January 16, 2005


We're watching "The best two years." I don't know why we have to continually have the TV on around here, but for some reason we do. I think we just need to think of other ways to spend time together as a family.

With church in the afternoon the kids don't get an afternoon nap. C fell asleep a little after 7. I sure hope she doesn't get up early early tomorrow morning.

A woke up at 4 and 6 and then 8 this morning. I told my hubby I was on strike when he brought her to me ( he was already awake and getting ready for meetings). It worked for about 10 minutes. :)

Church was good today. But I have to complain about one more thing :) The scouting group has to many meetings!!! Their is our monthly Round table, the meeting to plan pack meeting, pack meeting, various trainings (about 1-2 times a year), and all for the weekly meetings of the cub scouts! I guess its not much, but its still a lot when you have kids to take along. Maybe I just need to adjust my attitude.

Speaking of scouts, we need to have another planning meeting. Scouts is tomorrow and nothing is planned.

Well my desire to play roller coaster tycoon 2 is greater than my desire to Blog.

Saturday, January 15, 2005


tonight I'm tired. The baby keeps whining and the toddler has been constantly naughty for most of the day. I'm just tired.

So I'm typeing and holding the baby. And I think C has a stinky diaper. What fun.

I think I need an attitude adjustment.

It has been a nice day. Hubby didn't have to do anything today so we were able to have a nice day at home. We did go shopping and one store and it was quite fun. We came home and I played roller coaster tycoon 2 and then made dinner and did the dishes.

I love it when my husband cooks. He does a good job and it always tastes good. But it bugs me when I have to do his dishes. OK, maybe thats not the issue. Maybe the issue is that I like a clean kitchen but I haven't been able to figure out how to keep it clean. It's discouraging because I felt like I almost had a system figured out and then I hurt my back and it seems harder to find the motivation to get up and get moving. The whole house is suffering to be honest. The laundry needs to be done, the bathrooms and the kitchen needs to be finished. I only loaded the dishwasher.

Friday, January 14, 2005


So it's Friday. Yay! Its a great day of the week. I love it because it means Hubby and I will be able to spend time together tomorrow and the next day and the next day!!

We drove about 45 minutes to celebrate hubby's Mom's birthday with her. They loved seeing the girls and playing with A who was especially smiley tonight.

On the way home C started saying "poopy" and actually started crying by the time we got to a gas station. I fully expected to find an extremely poopy diaper when we got there, but nothing. She was still upset and walking funny. so I think she is a little constipated. It's all those banana's :) Anyway, I walked her around the gas station until she stopped walking funny and seemed happy again. We got home without any more crying and she is still walking around trying to get things moving. I'm going to put her to bed in 10 minutes though even if she doesn't get it out. Maybe the relaxation of sleep will help.

Besides that today has been relatively uneventful. Hubby did bring lunch home and spent some time with all of us. I would love it if he did that every other week or so. It was nice to see him and the kids loved it.

Well, no time to talk about family tonight. Hubby is tired and I want to get the kids to bed :)

Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Wiggles - again

So here we are watching the Wiggles movie again this morning. We actually only watched the last half this morning, but after her bath C requested it again.

So I don't have anything really interesting to say about my life right now, other than I stayed up until 12:30 playing Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 last night. Then the girls got up a little early this morning. I'm doing fine though. Not sleepy at all. Yet. :)

Well back to telling about my family. The next person in line (I'm going from oldest to youngest) is my sister S. S and I have always had what you might call an abrasive relationship.

When we moved from Oregon to Idaho she was on a mission in Arizona. She came home and we had to share a room. It wasn't for very long though. S got engaged the same weekend she came home. No. there wasnt anyone waiting for her. She and another missionary from her mission got engaged. He had returned home around 6 months earlier. The way I heard it described went something like this - their eyes met across the room and they knew they were meant to be married. Ironically about 10 years (?) and 3 children later they felt that they were meant to be divorced. Anyway, while they were still married they lived in Idaho, Provo, California and then Idaho again, and then Washington. Provo for BYU, California for Chiropractic school, Idaho to try and set up a practice, Washington to try the same thing.
While they were living in Provo they had their first child and during that summer S had my sister L down to live with her for a month and help with the baby while she finished up school. After L came home, it was my turn. I was excited, but it wasn't all that great. They fought a lot and I was stuck home with the baby a lot, and since I didn't know very many people my age, I didn't do anything with anyone else. It was supposed to be for a month, but I think it stretched a little bit longer. I think it might have been a little hard on their marriage to. A little apartment, and a child and another person. How could you have any privacy? I seem to remember them taking a lot of sunday afternoon naps...

Anyway, after they got divorced, S moved back home with all the kids (oh joy) . There was only Mom, Dad and Me, L , Ae and Ar living at home still. I forgot to mention that right after they finished Chiropractic school they moved in with us. the whole family. This experience left a bitter taste in everyone's mouth and even Dad vowed that he would never do it again. But this time I don't think S had a choice and Mom and Dad felt like they had to help her.

It was another bad experience but eventually she did move out.

When the whole family moved in after Chiropractic school, Mom and Dad had just put an addition onto the house (when we moved in, the house had a 1/2 basement, and they hired someone to dig out the other half) This added 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, and a huge storage room to our 4 bedroom 2 bathroom house. Right after it was dug out and Dad had just started working on it, S and her family asked to move in. S's husband helped Dad finish the addition somewhat. Anyway, the work was done so quickly and S's husband did a lot of it. And it wasn't done up to Dad's standard. It was never completely finished either. To this day there are unfinished parts. I've always felt a little bitter about this. Before Mom and Dad can move anywhere, they'll have to completely finish it. Also repair or redo the stuff that wasn't done well.

Well, once they were divorced and S had moved out with her kids, life got back to normal somewhat. but S had moved into an apartment that was a 5 minute walk away. So we still saw a whole bunch of them. Also, there was a whole lot of babysitting that occured with my younger sisters (probably 14 or so at the time).

Well currently S has just finished up her degree and has just started a new degree. She had been working at the local DI. I think her job had something to do with occupational therapy. She worked on her degree online through the University of Utah. For the last year or two her kids lived with her ex in Washington. This allowed her to focus totally on her school work. I think it was the right choice because it seemed to allow her to find herself somewhat. Her ex re-married within a year of their divorce and were shortly thereafter pregnant with their first and so far only child. The kids seemed to thrive with them. It seemed like whereas before they were a little uncontrollable and hard to be around (S always said "Mom and Dad disciplined us to much as kids, I'm not going to do that to my kids!") they now seemed to be structured (we aren't allowed to watch more than x hours of TV per day).

So just a week or two ago she started her new job and her youngest child has come to live with her permanently. The other two were doing well in school so it was decided that the best thing for them was to finish out the school year.

Our relationship is still somewhat corrosive. She called me up in early December this year and asked me if I would like to attend a shepherds dinner on Christmas eve at her house. I agreed because we didn't have plans and it sounded nice. My hubby was lukewarm about it because he doesn't care for S to much. somewhat my fault. Anyway somwhere down the line this turned into our house. I was fine with that because then we wouldn't have to drive somewhere and try and keep C from getting into stuff. So along the way, the chicken we were assigned to make turned into the Turkey that Hubby got from work and we decided that if we were going to have turkey that we should have gravy and jello. But I didn't mention this to S until a couple days before. Well she didn't tell me that this was a tradition that she did every year and that it had to be done a certain way. So she didn't take it to well when I told her and said we can change it a little bit right? She was upset with me. She called me later and said stuff like "I can see you want this dinner to be a certain way so lets make it that way" Anyway so she changed the dinner from a shepherds dinner with a little twist (my description) to a turkey dinner. I was upset that she wanted to change it. Anyway, eventually we were able to talk through it to a point where I could handle her being in my house on Christmas eve. One thing that still bugs me (though we talked through it) was the fact that she invited my brother without even asking me. Originally it would be us, S, and sister W's family (W had to work). I found out the day before that she had invited my brother C and his family. Now I would have no problem with this except that A) she didn't check with me first b) C has 5 children. My house is small. I have had large gatherings at my house before and found that there was just not enough room. I didn't want to recind the invitation and risk hurting C's wife's feelings. I like them and they have good kids (most of the time :) )
When we talked through the fact that I had a problem with her inviting other people to my house without asking if I was ok with it, she said ok I can remember that. It will be M's rule. Don't invite people to her house without asking.

OK. Am I the only person who would have a problem with this? I mean yeah, it was her dinner that she was organizing, but it was my house. I just think that most people would want that curtesy and it shouldn't be just my rule.

Anyway, enough about S.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Here we are again

It's Wednesday again. Sometimes all my days start to merge together because they are all the same. Except for the weekends they all follow the same pattern

Well, today I'm listening to music playing on another Blogger's site. Her name is Faye and she is over at Byu hawaii. Cool Blog. Great music!!

Well, I forgot to blog yesterday. I'm glad I didn't promise to write everyday, but I'm still a little dissapointed that I forgot. I don't want this to be one of those things that I say I'm going to do everyday and then I forget and eventually abandon.

Well Hubby had a class meeting yesterday. He's attending the local University of Phoenix. I think it's great because it doesn't take up much of his time. Also if he doesn't like the teacher or whatever, its not a big deal because the class only lasts 5 weeks!

You know whats weird. If hubby doesn't come home for dinner (class or something) I don't feel like making anything. Hello! It's not like I don't have to eat?! And C eats real food. I don't know why I don't make the effort if he's not there. Maybe because he is appreciative? I don't know...

So C is watching her daily dose of The Wiggles right now. She watches about 2-3 hours of Wiggles everyday and an hour of Sesame street. Thats to much TV and I am trying to figure out other things to do. It's hard though during the winter. There is not much else to do. Today we went and I had her pick up her toys while I picked up in the kitchen.... I'll come up with more tomorrow. I can think of plenty for me to do... just not enough to keep her busy . Lets see, coloring, playing, ?? I'm still new at this parenting thing. And I don't want a couch potato!!! Hubby and I are overweight, and it's not something I want for my girls.

Well, I've completed another crocheted baby blanket. This one is for my cousin. She and her husband have really been through the ringer this last 6 months or so. I don't know all the details for sure, but basically they can't have kids because she had to have part of her uterus removed because of some cancer. They've tried to become pregnant but no luck. so they did all the paperwork for adoption. They were able to get a baby through a place in Utah (they are in Ohio). After like 6 weeks or so the birth mother decided she wanted the baby back. As you can imagine, this was devastating for my cousin. both emotionally and financially. After that long, the baby was theirs emotionally. Financially they had paid thousands of dollars that would not be refunded. My cousin was just crushed. They reported this agency to the state and followed some other avenues to try and at least make sure another couple wouldn't have to go through this devastation. They can't do anything about the birth mother, that was her decision, but financially the agency really took advantage of them. A few weeks ago they were able to adopt another baby. This time it was a case where the birth parents had already signed away their rights and seems safe. I sure hope that this works out for them. If something happened with this baby I would be extremely worried about them. once would devestate me, twice would blow me away. Personally, my baby is only 3 months and I couldn't imagine life without her. Even if I hadn't given birth to her, there is a bonding that goes on that is just amazing. She started really smiling about a month ago and its like a big thank you from her for all the stuff we do for her. She is the cutest baby!!!

The next blanket I'm going to crochet is going to be for my Grandma. She is in her 80's and is living with my Aunt and Uncle in the next town. Grandma and my Aunt have been making hats for the humanitarian Aid for the church. they use those looms that you can buy in craft stores. Anyway, Grandma has been giving me all of her scraps of yarn that were to small to use in a hat. I found an afghan pattern that is specifically to use up scrap yarn (called a yo-yo-afghan) . So I'm going to make it and give it to Grandma. I've decided that if she doesn't want it (has to many, etc) I'm going to have her donate it to the humanitarian aid. We'll see what she decides.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Monday again

So today was a day of house cleaning, and scouts. I woke up, took a shower and went grocery shopping with the baby. Hubby kept our toddler at home while he cleaned the carpets downstairs. Our toddler is great when it comes to getting carpets dirty.

So I was putting the groceries into my car when this elderly woman walked by and mentioned that she was lost. I said something along the lines of "yeah, I'm lucky cause my husband usually keeps track of that" As I was climbing into my car, she walked by again, this time going the other way. She said something about if I had seen a car from a particular county as she walked by. I didn't really say anything because she didnt' seem to expect a response. But I was worried about her because she looked pretty old and she reminded me of my grandma. Grandma is always cold and so I worried about this lady. Also, she was walking slow, and I noticed a tremor in her hand. I pulled out and started driving away. I changed my mind a few rows over and turned down a row that I didn't think she had gone down yet. I noticed a vehicle with her county right away. So I drove over to where she was, a few rows away and rolled down my window and told her. She asked if she could ride over with me. I thought about this possibility when I was driving over to her and came to the conclusion that she seemed very old and frail and I didn't think she could possibly be someone that was trying to find a victim. So I let her in and we drove over to the car. It wasn't it. I guess this county is close to ours and there were at least 20 cars from there. so we spent about 15 min driving through the Wal-mart parking lot. During the conversation I found out that she normally used a walker, she had 5 kids. 2 girls and 3 boys or something like that, and that her 2 daughters had passed away last year. Also that she got married young and had her first kid at I think, 16. Oh, and her husband had passed away and his friend had given her a ride there. Anyway, I remember her name was Shirley and she was very nice. That was my adventure for the day!

So on the way home I stopped by KFC for lunch. When I got home we ate lunch and I put the kids down for naps. Then after an hour or so, Gilmore girls! I also got to crochet during it. Yay! Two guilty pleasures at once!

So that was my day. for FHE tonight we're watching TV and having caramel popcorn. Nothing says family night like TV :( Oh well

So a little more of my family history....
My oldest brother lives in Utah. I've never really had the opportunity to get to know him well. He went on his mission about the time I was 5 or 6. When he came home he started going to Ricks College (now BYU Idaho). I remember that one of the Girls he was dating down there was named "Marnell" Strange name. I guess that's why it stuck in my memory.
Well somewhere along the way he met and married his wife. She was the daughter of a woman Dad worked with. They got married and moved down to Provo to attend BYU and had their first child down there.

Wow I can't concentrate. The baby keeps whining and hubby and I can't figure out what is wrong other than her normal evening crankiness. She usually takes an evening nap, and that helps, but today her schedule is off because she loves to sleep in the grocery cart.

Well back to my oldest brother K - AFter Provo, he lived in Guam and started working for the church as a building inspector. He graduated from BYU in buisiness and russian (I think?) . But after Guam there was Oregon, then Texas and finally Utah, where he is right now. Along the way he and his wife ended up with 5 cute girls. All with names starting with K. Thats right. One of those families. His wife's name starts with a K, and I think at one point they had a kitten that they named Kiara.

I wish I had been able to get to really really know him. He seems like a great guy. Whenever he is up here for family gatherings, I don't really get to talk to him - too much going on. Also, his wife is hard to get to know. I think that is because the only times I really get to see her is when she is visiting us. So she is stressed with trying to deal with kids on "vacation". I think and have heard from Mom that when she is relaxed at home, she is really a nice, easy to deal with person.
She must be, because she and my brother have turned out some neat kids. I was just reading their Christmas letter and their oldest (the oldest grandkid) is 14 (I feel so old!!!) and is taking and giving piano lessons. The other kids are doing great things also. I was pretty impressed. I can't believe that the 14 year old could potentially be at college in 4 years and after that married!

Well enough for now. Hubby just went to bed and I've got to take care of getting the kids to bed.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Sunday = BYU TV !!

So on sunday's at our house we watch BYU TV on our sattelite. It's great. I just listened to a wonderful talk given by George D. Durrant called Granpa are you there? It was great. He shared experiences about him and his kids and his grandkids, and of course his wife. I only caught the last 10 minutes, but it was great.

So my word today is OUCH. My back went out on Tuesday and it is still out. I think the hardest part is when I get discouraged. I can handle the pain for the most part (remember, 2 kids, labor!) but I just want to cry when I start thinking about how long it could potentially be out. I think it will go back in a few days (crossing fingers) but who really knows. I was pregnant with our first daughter when my back was last out. It was out so bad I walked with one hip down and the other up. I got used to it after a few months, but I remember my Mom was always asking me if I was ok. It must have looked painful. Anyway, it went back in a few weeks before I had our daughter. I was very thankful. I think it was out for about 10-11 months total. This time around its more complicated. Before I worked about a 30 min drive from my house. My Chiropractor was on the way home. Now, since I don't work, I have to drive 30 min to get to the Chiropractor. Also, because of hubby's work hours I have to bring the kids. Luckily my chiropractor has toys for the kids, and his receptionist was able to hold the baby. I'm starting to think about finding another chiropractor closer to home, but I really trust this guy. He's always been able to get me through it in the past. Plus he's LDS. His Mom is the receptionist, and the sweetest lady. So I trust her with the baby. I guess I'll see how long my back is out this time before I make any decisions.

I've figured out this time around that moving around is best for my back. So I decided to stay home from church so I could walk around, lie down, etc. whenever I needed. I really wanted to go to church, but it just felt like it would be too much. Hubby came and picked up C because she loves nursery so much, and I'm home with the baby. It's amazing what you take for granted until your back goes out! Just picking up the baby, carrying her around, standing up while holding the baby. Ouch.

Well, enough about my back.

I've decided I'm not going to promise anything about how often I'm going to post. I'm just going to post when I need to talk. Probably daily for a while and then a couple times a week or so.

So I promised more about my family.... Well, with 10 kids in my family, and 7 kids in hubby's, One question I keep expecting is, "so does that mean that you guys are going to have a big family?" Well, we actually will probably have a smaller family. We were thinking 3 -4. Thats a number we feel comfortable with, and feel that we can handle financially and otherwise.

My parents were great. They weren't perfect, because no one is, but they did their best. Dad grew up on a farm and milked cows and has stories about how he picked up potatoes in a field for 10 cents a bag. He worked for his father for the first few years of their marriage. Grandpa had a earth moving type buisiness. They lived in an area that was somewhat up in the hills and they built sewer systems, roads, etc. One story I remember him telling was about some guy who owned a piece of land with a lake on it. Well, he didn't own the whole lake, the forest service owned about 1/3 of the lake. This guy owned the half that had a water source that fed the lake. I don't remember why, but think it had to do with something the forest service was going to do on the lake or something, but this guy hired Grandpa to build a wall of dirt along the property line of the lake. So Dad had a backhoe or something and scooped dirt and built this wall. he mentioned how he would drive along this wall (just about as wide as his backhoe) and dump his dirt and then have to back all the way back along this wall to the shore again. I don't think this lake was very deep (6-8 feet?), but I'm sure Grandpa didn't want the backhoe in the water. Anyway, I think the forest service's side of the lake dried up or something like that, but I think the guy made his point and the forest service stopped whatever they had planned.

The whole family had a family reunion in the area a few years ago and we went to visit this lake. Kind of a family history tour of our family. The wall was still there, and the guy had planted trees along the whole thing. Probably to hold the dirt there. There was still water on the other side of the lake, but I didn't see anything over there. The guy had a buisiness or camp there at the lake where he rented canoes and other smaller watercraft to the public. It was really cool to see this place that I had heard about a lot.

We got to see the house that Dad was born in, and the first few homes that our family had lived in. We also got to see one of the schools that Mom had taught in. Mom went to Weber State in Utah and studied to be a teacher. I think at one point she taught gym. But in this small town she had opened a private kindergarten. I've actually seen one or two pictures of some of the classes she had. Great beehive there, Mom! Mom and Dad lived in several small towns before settling for about 10 years in this town where Dad had grown up. Dad worked for Grandpa and I seem to remember that early in their marriage he worked at a scout camp as a leader for a few summers. There are a couple of stories there, but I don't remember them well enough to tell them. So I'll see if I can have Dad tell me again and then I'll put them in here.

Dad built their home from one of those kits you could buy from a hardware store (a house kit, you get everything you need, you do the labor) . It was a great house that had a deck that wrapped around the back of the house, and small pasture out front.

I remember Mom telling the story of when she was pregnant with #5 & 6 (twins!) . She was getting big pretty quick and the doctor suspected twins (Mom was a twin). He sent her over to get an x-ray. She was walking back from the x-ray and had it with her. One of her friends- a nurse - stopped her, begged her to let her look at the x-ray. Anyway, She told Mom it was twins and was so excited.

I was # 7 and we moved from that house when I was 6 months old. Mom and Dad had a hard time selling that house because it was worth more than a lot of homes in the area (large house for large family) and because the town was pretty small, Lots of farms, and not a lot of people moving in and out. Mom and Dad asked the family to fast. I remember my older sister W saying that she went to school and was really hungry and some kids ate in front of her. :) I seem to remember that the reason for moving was that Grandpa was selling his buisiness or retiring or something, so Dad had to find a different job.

Anyway, they were able to sell the house and moved about 3-4 hours away into a bigger city. They lived there for about 6 months. Then Dad found a job with the church's Deseret Industries. They hired him to be a production manager in one of the Oregon stores. We moved into a house that had 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom upstairs (along with kitchen, front room, etc) and a seperate apartment downstairs with 2 bedrooms and a bathroom along with a kitchen and family room. It had a huge garage that I remember Grandpa driving up to help Dad out in converting it to a huge family room. This was necessary because to get from the house to the apartment you had to walk through the garage. So in order to convert it to a huge house for a large family, you had to somehow connect this space. I think they decided on another family room area because Mom was going to do daycare. Yep you heard it right, daycare with 7 kids already! So our house was always busy and filled with kids. I forgot to mention that a very small portion of the garage was kept for Dads tools. It was pretty pitifully small. But at least it was a place for his tools. Also, this large extra family room worked well when mom was called to teach early morning seminary (not enough kids for release time). I remember all the chairs and also the "Free to Choose" videos Mom would watch so that she could decide if she wanted to show them to her class. "I'm free to choose, to win or lose, no matter who... something something la la la"

So we lived in Oregon for 10 years and then Dad received an offer for a job transfer to Idaho. After prayer and asking us kids for a vote, we moved. Mom and Dad decided for some reason to have Mom look for a job rather than doing daycare. I think it was because The youngest 2 (also twins) were in kindergarten, and so there was no reason for Mom to be home all the time anymore. She got a job at the local Beehive Clothing, and eventually moved up to manager. So this is where they still live today in a house with 6 bedrooms. All the kids have moved out, and I believe that they will be moving into the same town we live in in the next few years.

I'm sure I could go on and on, but I should get up and move around for my back.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

I have to think of a title?

Today I decided that I needed someone to talk to besides my 2 daughters. C is 2 and A is 3 months. Needless to say, they don't talk. We had the Elders over for Dinner last night and we were talking along... one mentioned that they were from Virginia and I said something about South Virginia and they were like "don't you mean West Virginia" And I felt so stupid. I realized that I've been a stay at home Mom to long. I feel like I've been losing knowledge since I started being a Mother. I don't usually watch the news, and the only people I have conversations with seem to be family, or church friends. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Usually those conversations center around kids, scouts (my calling), other family members, etc. The only person I talk about the news with is my hubby. And we don't see each other enough to talk about that all the time.

I've decided that I really don't want anyone I know to read these blogs. Kind of funny I know, but I want this to be a place where I don't have to worry about being judged or worry about what people think. I want it to be a place where I can find myself again. Someone to talk to (even if its myself) and a place to sort out my thoughts.

Am I lost? Well, sort of. I feel like before I had kids I had my own identity. I knew who I was and what I wanted. I don't know if I'm making sense. But anyway. You'll find that I often don't make sense. OK, so before I had kids I knew who I was and now I feel like I'm a bit lost. Me. Lost.

I have a lot that I can talk about so I thought I would start with me.

My husband and I come from large Mormon families. His had 7 kids, mine had 10. More on that in later posts.
We got married 3 1/2 years ago and now have 2 little girls. We live in Idaho, and we love it.

Today is Saturday 1/8/05. This morning DH is helping someone move into our ward. After that he is going to help his sister pick up some furniture at K-Mart and get it to her home.

I enjoy the fact that he is so willing to help people in our ward. I like that he is always there to help. We need the blessings. In fact it was how we started dating. But sometimes I wish he could stay home and we could spend more time together. Sometimes I feel like it isn't fair. He works Tues-Fri 6am to 6pm. He only needs to work 10 hours, not 12, but he feels like it gives us more money to save. That is his choice and something he decided on his own. That is fine with me because I believe in SAVING. But it means that he doesn't get home until just after 6. We eat dinner, we watch TV, we do things as a family, and then he is off to bed at 9. Yep we get a whole 3 hours together. I get the kids to bed at 9:30 and 10, and then I spend about an hour relishing having the whole house to myself. All mine. I don't have to watch The Wiggles, or sports. I can crochet. I can play computer games. etc. I can do whatever I want. And no diapers! So he leaves at 5:45 in the morning for work, and I get up around 8:45 to shower and then get the girls up. C gets up just after 9 and A gets up (hopefully) around the same time. A is doing really well and last night slept through the night! Usually she gets up once to nurse. I feel really blessed because C got up multiple times during the night until she was about 9 months old.

Anyway, we do have Sat, Sun, Mon to spend time together. But there is house cleaning and grocery shopping and a whole slew of things to take up that time. Sunday's he's serving as a ward clerk. So that means early meetings. We just changed to 1pm church so now I'll be able to see him before church and he can spend time with the girls and I'll have a little help. But that means less time in the evenings to relax. Monday's we like to go out to eat, a sort of date, with the girls. We usually do our grocery shopping, and other chores. But really, the day is sort of complicated by the fact that I have scouts from 4:30-5:30 every monday. So I have Saturday as the one day with nothing else scheduled in it to spend time with him.

I'll end this post with a list

My Guilty Pleasures:

Gilmore Girls
Roller Coaster Tycoon
Nancy Drew computer games
long showers
someone else doing the dishes
baby kisses and toddler hugs