Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Here we are again

It's Wednesday again. Sometimes all my days start to merge together because they are all the same. Except for the weekends they all follow the same pattern

Well, today I'm listening to music playing on another Blogger's site. Her name is Faye and she is over at Byu hawaii. Cool Blog. Great music!!

Well, I forgot to blog yesterday. I'm glad I didn't promise to write everyday, but I'm still a little dissapointed that I forgot. I don't want this to be one of those things that I say I'm going to do everyday and then I forget and eventually abandon.

Well Hubby had a class meeting yesterday. He's attending the local University of Phoenix. I think it's great because it doesn't take up much of his time. Also if he doesn't like the teacher or whatever, its not a big deal because the class only lasts 5 weeks!

You know whats weird. If hubby doesn't come home for dinner (class or something) I don't feel like making anything. Hello! It's not like I don't have to eat?! And C eats real food. I don't know why I don't make the effort if he's not there. Maybe because he is appreciative? I don't know...

So C is watching her daily dose of The Wiggles right now. She watches about 2-3 hours of Wiggles everyday and an hour of Sesame street. Thats to much TV and I am trying to figure out other things to do. It's hard though during the winter. There is not much else to do. Today we went and I had her pick up her toys while I picked up in the kitchen.... I'll come up with more tomorrow. I can think of plenty for me to do... just not enough to keep her busy . Lets see, coloring, playing, ?? I'm still new at this parenting thing. And I don't want a couch potato!!! Hubby and I are overweight, and it's not something I want for my girls.

Well, I've completed another crocheted baby blanket. This one is for my cousin. She and her husband have really been through the ringer this last 6 months or so. I don't know all the details for sure, but basically they can't have kids because she had to have part of her uterus removed because of some cancer. They've tried to become pregnant but no luck. so they did all the paperwork for adoption. They were able to get a baby through a place in Utah (they are in Ohio). After like 6 weeks or so the birth mother decided she wanted the baby back. As you can imagine, this was devastating for my cousin. both emotionally and financially. After that long, the baby was theirs emotionally. Financially they had paid thousands of dollars that would not be refunded. My cousin was just crushed. They reported this agency to the state and followed some other avenues to try and at least make sure another couple wouldn't have to go through this devastation. They can't do anything about the birth mother, that was her decision, but financially the agency really took advantage of them. A few weeks ago they were able to adopt another baby. This time it was a case where the birth parents had already signed away their rights and seems safe. I sure hope that this works out for them. If something happened with this baby I would be extremely worried about them. once would devestate me, twice would blow me away. Personally, my baby is only 3 months and I couldn't imagine life without her. Even if I hadn't given birth to her, there is a bonding that goes on that is just amazing. She started really smiling about a month ago and its like a big thank you from her for all the stuff we do for her. She is the cutest baby!!!

The next blanket I'm going to crochet is going to be for my Grandma. She is in her 80's and is living with my Aunt and Uncle in the next town. Grandma and my Aunt have been making hats for the humanitarian Aid for the church. they use those looms that you can buy in craft stores. Anyway, Grandma has been giving me all of her scraps of yarn that were to small to use in a hat. I found an afghan pattern that is specifically to use up scrap yarn (called a yo-yo-afghan) . So I'm going to make it and give it to Grandma. I've decided that if she doesn't want it (has to many, etc) I'm going to have her donate it to the humanitarian aid. We'll see what she decides.

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