Friday, January 21, 2005


Thank goodness it's friday. Thats all I can say :) Its been a full week!

I got about 4 hours of sleep last night because A didn't sleep well for some unknown reason. She has developed a cough along with her runny nose and congestion. I think that was what kept waking her up. Anyway, not only was she up, but she was up for more than her normal 1/2 hour. Needless to say I'm a bit tired. but I think I'm functioning pretty well.

Hubby and I had a big fight this morning. I don't want to write about it though, because I'm still a little angry and don't want to say (especially on paper) anything I may regret later.

My younger sister L and I have been talking on the phone a lot lately. She lives about 3 hours away from where I do. She is single and will be 26 in April. She was a little worried about the fact that she is still single. I don't know what to tell her. She is such a great person with a wonderful personality. She is also very cute.

L attended Court Reporting school right after high school and graduated top in her class. They still talk about her because she had such awesome typing speeds. She worked as a court reporter for a year or two, and when she turned 21 she went on a mission to San Diego. After that she went back to court reporting and started taking more classes at the local university. She wants to be a writer. She has such a fun personality and it shines when she writes stories. I don't know what type of books she wants to write (she is still trying to figure out which will work best for her) but my vote is anything in the LDS genre so that I can buy her books at Deseret Book and say "My sister wrote this"

Here is an example of what she can do.

For Christmas, I had everyone send me recipe's and I organized them into a cook book. My Dad suggested that everyone also send food memories to be included around the recipes. This sounded fun, but like it could be a little dry. So I decided to turn these memories into fairy stories (once upon a time...) Well I wasn't doing very well with them, so I asked L to help. In the end she changed or wrote most of the stories.

Here's what we would get " I do remember this one
time when I made spaghetti and this guy I
liked was over. His name was Scott. I was about 12
or 13 at the time. was the worst
spaghetti ever. It was way too salty and peppery. I
thought our romance was over for sure."

This story was from my sister S

Here is what the story turned into ( I might have helped, I don't remember)
"Once upon a time there was a romantic prince named Scott... And a lovely young maiden called S. In the frolicking French countryside the two met to eat Italian cuisine, because S didn’t know how to make French cuisine. S had high hopes of winning the prince which her magnificent cooking skills. But alas, the spaghetti she made was too salty, and for some reason the handsome prince kept sneezing every time he tried to take a bite. So the two decided not to get married after all and Scott went home for dinner. The end."

Of course there are more and even better examples of her talent (which I wish I had), but A just woke up and Its hard to type and hold her at the same time.

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