Monday, January 10, 2005

Monday again

So today was a day of house cleaning, and scouts. I woke up, took a shower and went grocery shopping with the baby. Hubby kept our toddler at home while he cleaned the carpets downstairs. Our toddler is great when it comes to getting carpets dirty.

So I was putting the groceries into my car when this elderly woman walked by and mentioned that she was lost. I said something along the lines of "yeah, I'm lucky cause my husband usually keeps track of that" As I was climbing into my car, she walked by again, this time going the other way. She said something about if I had seen a car from a particular county as she walked by. I didn't really say anything because she didnt' seem to expect a response. But I was worried about her because she looked pretty old and she reminded me of my grandma. Grandma is always cold and so I worried about this lady. Also, she was walking slow, and I noticed a tremor in her hand. I pulled out and started driving away. I changed my mind a few rows over and turned down a row that I didn't think she had gone down yet. I noticed a vehicle with her county right away. So I drove over to where she was, a few rows away and rolled down my window and told her. She asked if she could ride over with me. I thought about this possibility when I was driving over to her and came to the conclusion that she seemed very old and frail and I didn't think she could possibly be someone that was trying to find a victim. So I let her in and we drove over to the car. It wasn't it. I guess this county is close to ours and there were at least 20 cars from there. so we spent about 15 min driving through the Wal-mart parking lot. During the conversation I found out that she normally used a walker, she had 5 kids. 2 girls and 3 boys or something like that, and that her 2 daughters had passed away last year. Also that she got married young and had her first kid at I think, 16. Oh, and her husband had passed away and his friend had given her a ride there. Anyway, I remember her name was Shirley and she was very nice. That was my adventure for the day!

So on the way home I stopped by KFC for lunch. When I got home we ate lunch and I put the kids down for naps. Then after an hour or so, Gilmore girls! I also got to crochet during it. Yay! Two guilty pleasures at once!

So that was my day. for FHE tonight we're watching TV and having caramel popcorn. Nothing says family night like TV :( Oh well

So a little more of my family history....
My oldest brother lives in Utah. I've never really had the opportunity to get to know him well. He went on his mission about the time I was 5 or 6. When he came home he started going to Ricks College (now BYU Idaho). I remember that one of the Girls he was dating down there was named "Marnell" Strange name. I guess that's why it stuck in my memory.
Well somewhere along the way he met and married his wife. She was the daughter of a woman Dad worked with. They got married and moved down to Provo to attend BYU and had their first child down there.

Wow I can't concentrate. The baby keeps whining and hubby and I can't figure out what is wrong other than her normal evening crankiness. She usually takes an evening nap, and that helps, but today her schedule is off because she loves to sleep in the grocery cart.

Well back to my oldest brother K - AFter Provo, he lived in Guam and started working for the church as a building inspector. He graduated from BYU in buisiness and russian (I think?) . But after Guam there was Oregon, then Texas and finally Utah, where he is right now. Along the way he and his wife ended up with 5 cute girls. All with names starting with K. Thats right. One of those families. His wife's name starts with a K, and I think at one point they had a kitten that they named Kiara.

I wish I had been able to get to really really know him. He seems like a great guy. Whenever he is up here for family gatherings, I don't really get to talk to him - too much going on. Also, his wife is hard to get to know. I think that is because the only times I really get to see her is when she is visiting us. So she is stressed with trying to deal with kids on "vacation". I think and have heard from Mom that when she is relaxed at home, she is really a nice, easy to deal with person.
She must be, because she and my brother have turned out some neat kids. I was just reading their Christmas letter and their oldest (the oldest grandkid) is 14 (I feel so old!!!) and is taking and giving piano lessons. The other kids are doing great things also. I was pretty impressed. I can't believe that the 14 year old could potentially be at college in 4 years and after that married!

Well enough for now. Hubby just went to bed and I've got to take care of getting the kids to bed.

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