Friday, January 14, 2005


So it's Friday. Yay! Its a great day of the week. I love it because it means Hubby and I will be able to spend time together tomorrow and the next day and the next day!!

We drove about 45 minutes to celebrate hubby's Mom's birthday with her. They loved seeing the girls and playing with A who was especially smiley tonight.

On the way home C started saying "poopy" and actually started crying by the time we got to a gas station. I fully expected to find an extremely poopy diaper when we got there, but nothing. She was still upset and walking funny. so I think she is a little constipated. It's all those banana's :) Anyway, I walked her around the gas station until she stopped walking funny and seemed happy again. We got home without any more crying and she is still walking around trying to get things moving. I'm going to put her to bed in 10 minutes though even if she doesn't get it out. Maybe the relaxation of sleep will help.

Besides that today has been relatively uneventful. Hubby did bring lunch home and spent some time with all of us. I would love it if he did that every other week or so. It was nice to see him and the kids loved it.

Well, no time to talk about family tonight. Hubby is tired and I want to get the kids to bed :)

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