Tuesday, January 18, 2005

what a day!

Well, A's fever broke around midnight last night. Then the conjestion started. At one point I was desperate to find a bulb syringe (sp?) because she had so much she was choking on it. I finally found one after searching the house for a long time. I tried to sleep in our recliner with her cuddled to my chest. Although I have done this with C many many times (that's how we got through many nights) for some reason I couldn't get to sleep. I finally got A to a point where I felt comfortable letting her sleep in her crib (after many suctionings ) and got into bed around 2 am. She woke up around 4, and I was so out of it that It took me a while to figure out that it wasn't a dream of some sort. I got her back to bed. She woke up again around 7:30 and this time C woke up also. It was really cute. I sat down to feed A and C, who has recently discovered how to open her bedroom door, knocked on her bedroom door and came out. I told her that it wasn't time to get up yet and that she needed to go back to bed. To my delight, she did. She normally gets up around 8:45 - 9:00 (we put her to bed later in the evening. It's a schedule that works for me) She came out once more and I told her again. Then I sort of dozed with A in the recliner. I heard C come out 1 or 2 times more, but was half asleep and really didn't move. I remember her going back into her room and shutting the door. She is such a cute kid! I love her so much.

Well, this morning, after all the dozing I felt like I got enough sleep. We got up, changed the kids diapers and went out to do the shopping. Only thing is that I had a prescription refilled and I forgot to pick it up. I'm such a dork. So I'll go again - probably tomorrow. I need to pick up some more vitamin C anyway. My Mom swears that if I take it, it will help A get over her cold faster. I had been taking it earlier in the winter, but about a month ago I ran out and hadn't purchased any more. A hasn't had a cold for a while, so maybe Mom is right.

Well, My sisters W and J invited me to a Mary Kay party on Thursday. I'll probably go just because it will be mostly family and I love to see everyone. There are 7 girls and 3 boys in my family and all but 2 siblings live here. They said that most everyone (or their wives) said they will be there. I'll probably take A and leave C at home. I hate these parties, because I always feel like I have to buy something. but I think I can hold off. There have been a ton of people having parties in my ward lately. They all invite me. I just politely ignore them. I'm sort of lucky in that way because I don't know anyone well enough to have to go to them. I think hubby is glad I don't go because then we don't have to worry about me finding additional ways to spend money.

So yesterday for FHE hubby and I decided to tackly the years supply issue. We decided that it was about time that we follow the prophets council. We've been doing some dry pack canning with the ward every month. I think we have about a 3 months supply with that, but I felt that we needed to attack the sundries. Like Toilet paper and laundry soap. So we made a list of all the non food items we need. Clothes weren't included. Just stuff for the house. Diapers, toilet paper, shampoo, stuff like that. We made a list and estimated how much we would need for a year (might as well get the whole year done, rather than just starting with the 3 month) We figured that we could spend an additional $10 a week on our grocery bill. so we worked it out and we think that we can have a year supply of all those items by June. At that point we will refigure everything and begin to go over what supplies we will need in the food department for a year supply. We will continue to stock up monthly when the ward has use of the dry packer. I feel really good about this plan. I'm excited because we had decided a while ago that we could spare the $10 and we should buy supplies every week, but we never had a game plan and that quickly died. I really want this to work!

Well I better get to bed in case A decides to have another hard night.

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