Monday, January 17, 2005


It's after 11, but I didn't want to go to bed without writing.

Today has been interesting. M started a fever last night. Her first. Fevers always make me nervous. Mostly because I never know when just a fever gets to the make a trip to the doctor point. I've taken C to the doctor after she ran a fever for over 3 days and I got squat. They made me feel stupid about it. Even when it turned out C had hand foot and mouth disease (not to be confused with hoof and mouth :) they made me feel stupid. I know they are busy and all, but I paid good money to see a doctor and the least they could do is make me feel like I'm getting my $$'s worth. I'm seriously thinking about changing pediatricians. My problem is that C was in a rotovirus vaccine study. I don't want to change doctors until a) I can research and choose my next doctor carefully, and b) I find out whether she got the vaccine or the placebo. If she got the vaccine, I will probably end up staying with this doctor because he is familiar with it. It has a few possible side effects that are rarely seen, but he would be most likely to see it because of he familiarity with it.

Anyway, speaking of doctors, I need to see mine about this wierd lump on my foot. Also I want to go and see the chiropractor again because it seems like my back isn't getting better. It's basically staying the same. Not horrible, but not that comfortable either. I thought church would be awful yesterday, but strangely enough my back seemed to be fine in those hard chairs, and even seemed to do better in them. Go figure.

Well, I was thinking about my brother K who I wrote about a few days ago and something occured to me that I've thought about before. When I was in junior high, during the summertime, we drove to Utah for a cousin's wedding. My brother K and his wife were attending BYU at the time. At the reception, K and his wife took my sister L and Ae home with them as a treat. They would spend the night and travel home with K and K to Idaho the next day. I remember being really jealous that I couldn't go.

Well the next day when we got home, K and K weren't there yet. No big deal. K wasn't well known for his punctuality. We knew they wouldn't be to late though because All of us kids were supposed to go to a local water park that afternoon. Well we finally got to the point where we couldn't wait any longer and we were all loaded into the car, and my sister S was going to drive. I don't remember if S was still inside when we got the call, or if Mom came running out to the car, but either way we received a phone call telling us that K and K had been in an accident and Mom and Dad should come. The hospital was in a town about 45 min away. Mom and Dad got directions to the hospital and were shortly on their way.

The truck had rolled because my sister in law had fallen asleep. L and Ae had been thrown out of the truck. It was one of those small trucks with small seats behind the front seat and I don't think there were seat belts, or if there were, they couldn't find them or something. L had a lot of trauma to her face, and Ae had injuries that could have easily killed her. I remember one of them telling me later about a passing motorist who had stopped to help. They sang primary songs with them. Also I remember one of them telling me about how in the ambulance the attendant or whatever you call the ambulance guy (first responder? don't know why I can't think of the name) kept waking them up. K and K both had minor injuries and minor concussions. They had their seatbelts on and I think one or both of them might have had bruises from their seatbelts (the car ended up upside down)

When dad got their he was with L and the doctor was looking at her gums. Her teeth had gone through her lower lip ( I think , its been awhile so pardon the memory lapses) and 2-3 teeth were missing. My dad said that they thought the teeth were gone until he noticed a few white things shoved far up into her gums. Turned out to be the teeth. I don't know what was going on with Alysa at this time. But I know her injuries were serious. They both made it, but are still receiving and dealing with insurance settlements to this day.

My whole point in bringing this up is this. I think that K (sister in law) might have been feeling guilty about this whole thing, and that could be why she and my brother have always lived anywhere but here. It's something that occured to me a few years ago. I remember Mom having to deal with the insurance companies about a settlement (my uncle, mom's twin, is an insurance guy and helped her make sure Ae and L got what was fair) and her commenting about it in a conversation with K (sister in law) This was many years past the accident ( if I remember they couldn't settle until Ae and L were a certain age), and I don't think mom really thought about it. But for some reason it struck me that K (sister in law) must feel really guilty. I know I would.

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